5 thoughts on “Happy Howloween!”

  1. Super Smokey looks likes he’s on the lookout for someone to save. And Codie Rae–you look ready for your close-up as always.

    Our daughter always tries to dress Romeo up. He is not very enthusiastic! Romeo had to stay inside—he would not stop barking at the Trick or Treaters. And last year he chased a witch down the street (luckily an adult witch)……….ok in his defense she was hanging out chatting in front of our driveway, then started running as soon as he barked at her.
    Maybe he can take superhero lessons from Super Smokey….

  2. Dude, you look great! Oh and you too CR, I think you look pretty swanky for an Oaktown girl. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I didn’t dress up last night, Mom and Dad were old farts this year. Maybe next year I’ll get to be a superdawg too.

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