The Killbarney Tour: Chillin’ With the Oaktown Pack

Chapter 3: Homie-cide, Life on the Streets

Yo! We were gonna show Barney the town but dang, those Oaktown peeps done gone crazy. Three homicides in three hours last night! We decided to keep our heads down and hang tight in our crib. Meantime, Travis Ray been doin’ a little research on the web—Duuuuude, watcha think he found out? Floyd ain’t related to Barney! Nope, he sure isn’t! Little purple bear been takin’ us for a ride!

Nopawdy takes the Oaktown Pack for a fool, oh no they don’t. We decided to git ‘im. And to show Barney a thing or two as well—need to drive all thoughts of fluffy pink ears outta his brain…….



Let 'im have it!
Get outta here Barney








Watch this Barney!




Floyd must die!!








Floyd, disemboweled


Got 'im good!








Take that Floyd! NOpawdy messes with the Oaktown Pack!


Your turn Barneeeee!









You gonna die too 'lil dude!
Be afraid!









Be very afraid!
You in Oaktown dude!









He's miiiine! You ready to die now???
Just kidding Barneee!































…….OK, we think Barney is on the straight and narrow again. We gonna dust him off and send him on to his next stop. Hope his next host is handy with a needle—he had a head wound when he got here—his scalp is kind of disintegrating (maybe that accounts for his delusions of fluffy pinkness). Its a little worse for wear but Mom never took Home Ec so its totally beyond her capabilities!